Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Ultimate Truth! by Clay Sikes

The Ultimate Truth!
By Clay Sikes

The word 'Break' and the number 2014 are virtually synonymous terms. Those who have been 'broken' through years of wandering in the desert are soon to see another form of 'Break' - Breakthrough! When our 'breaking' has reached a point of being ok with us, when we live with the 'pain of circumstance' without complaint, when we've learned to utterly and completely depend upon Him for our daily existence, we are 'broken.' Broken vessels have 'broken through' their own humanity, finding their place in Him where such existence is possible. As I pen these words, I am in great physical, financial, and relational pain, yet His grace is greater than the 'pain of the circumstance' that I've lived with for many years now. My current hope is anchored in what I see - I am coming out!

The 'pain of circumstance' has enormous purpose in those called to the Kingdom on earth (Acts 14:22). Difficulties, trials, disappointments, rejection, failure, setbacks, and heartbreaks have adjusted my spiritual life, my physical and financial priorities, and emotional attitude. The 'break' that has taken place has given me a permanent limp that has created a permanent dependence upon God. A man of deep spiritual insight once stated, "I do not desire to partner with any man in the things of the spirit who does not walk with a limp." For those limping Kingdom men and women, 2014 and beyond sends a loud signal - order and breakthrough! To the broken there awaits a 'breakthrough' into the River of Life flowing from heaven into earth. This joyous place, this glorious River is Life - peace, righteousness, and joy. As we enter the channel of this river, we begin to flow (with it) as our feet no longer touch the earth (the world's system); the river's energy now moves us at its own pace. The buoyancy of the river keeps us effortlessly floating as with a life preserver, flowing into the future with no doubt or fear. While the fires of affliction may burn on the outside, the cool river of heaven sooths and protects the inside - the real part of our being.

To those in this flow there is no seeking or looking for blessing and favor, as the river provides what the Father has freely given. Striving and toil has ended, as trust and faith birth a form of supernatural provision. "In repentance and rest is your salvation; in quietness and peace is your strength" - Isaiah 30:15. Orphans strive, sons receive. Sons are not known for an absence of activity, but rather an absence of activity apart from the leadership of the Holy Spirit.    

As we yield to the flow of the river, areas of dysfunction will yield to God's order - all stolen will be returned - Hosea 6: 1/Joel 2: 25-27. As we focus on God the provider, not the needed provision, we will see Him as Moses saw Him, "As a friend" - Exodus 33: 11. To know the goodness of God is to know God. Many know the acts of God, but few know the ways of God - Acts 3: 19-26. Just as a true wealthy friend would help in time of need, so too will our friend, God, make all available to us. If God be for us, who can be against us? "He who did not spare His own son, but gave Him up for us all - how will he not also, along with Him, graciously give us (all things)." "Oh that you would bless, and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free of pain. And God (his friend) granted his request" - I Chronicles 4: 10. The flow of the 'River of Life' makes friendship with God not a thing to be grasped, but rather a concept that is deeply understood.

The monumental shifts taking place right now are repositioning sons and daughters away from the wilderness of the past, and into the favor, blessing, and influence in their respective arenas - the flowing river flows into the light. Authority is in this light as Kingdom Authority (Revelation 5:10) has only come by Kingdom preparation (Acts 14:22). Walking successfully through your season of the cross gives you authority to minister God's message from that 'place and that season' specifically. Through death has come life! Listen, words of life are being released (John 6: 63) by God's prophets of love; prophets who never seek power over presence, yet warn and correct, not in harshness, but in words to awaken a Laodicean spirit.

The highest form of communication in the earth today is spirit-to-spirit, not intellect-to-intellect; and the highest form of spirit-to-spirit is testimony from the heart of one man 'imparted' into the heart of another. Impartation has an immediate enabling advantage. Jesus is coming back for a testimony - we overcame by Jesus enabling us to have a testimony, and testimony is birthed in relationship. The more fervent the relationship the greater the testimony.

"The gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a 'witness' unto all nations; and then the end shall come" (Matthew 24:14).

The word that Jesus uses for "witness" in this verse is the same Greek word used for "testimony." It literally means 'PROOF OF FACT.' Christ is speaking here of not just preaching the gospel, but PRESENTING IT AS A TESTIMONY. In short he says, The gospel we preach is effective ONLY if it is backed up by a life that testifies to its reality. No man can lead you where he has not walked. One of the greatest perversions in the Church today is men attempting to lead others into a place they have not walked. The blood of Jesus enabled us to have a testimony, and our words relative to it (testimony) are the most powerful we will ever speak. "And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death" (Revelation 12: 11). Testimony is a 'Kingdom Age' characteristic that goes well beyond revelation (which means to fully understand), and into impartation (which means to walk in the power of the testimony - a transference of power and ability from one to another.) "Gold and silver have I none, but such as I have I give you - stand up and walk." The lame beggar had never heard a Gloria Copeland teaching tape on healing. He received an impartation and thus 'enabled' to walk (immediately).

Two distinct and unique phenomenon are occurring now. One, the Body of Christ is beginning to sense an 'arising' within. Christ is arising within us, breathing life and purpose in us; and like a deflated balloon suddenly filled with air we are being filled to an upright position. Christ in us, the hope of glory; into fullness, the full measure and statue of Christ. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is arising within us, empowering and creating an ability to hear and love and function as true sons and daughters. The whole creation is groaning to see the manifestation of God's true sons and daughters (Romans 8: 19-21). Why? THEY WANT A WITNESS; something offering 'PROOF OF FACT' that there is a better way.that God and His love are real. Testimonies are emerging from the wilderness of God's salvation, deliverance, and overcoming power. As these 'first fruits' multiply, a second phenomenon is occurring - a joining. Various parts of the Body of Christ are beginning to connect - A divine connection. Connections are occurring to create function within the scope of Divine purpose. Connect to those who produce 'life in you.' They are your connection to God's purpose in life.

In conclusion, the dam of the past must 'break' for the River to flow, producing overcoming testimony imparted one to another - the contagious nature of a flaming word igniting like wildfire in a dry forest. Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes - 'a flaming word of a flowing River' that brings new life.Hear! It comes!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dream of the United States of America Reposted from March 16, 2008

Dream of the United States of America
by Patricia Hamel  (March 16, 2008)

I was standing in front of a map.
It was at the level as if it were on
an easel. All I saw was the map of
the United States of America. Then
water started to flow from the top
of it and cover it and flow downwards
and as it got partway down it went
sideways and spread out to the right to
the other states. It moved quickly.

This dream is revealing judgment and revival. Another prophet shared with
me that he believed judgment would come first and then the revival.

Let us continue to be fervent in our prayer and intercession for the United States of America.